The Archive (8725 items)

Parts & castings

Frames & castings for 3 1/2 inch gauge GWR "King"
Stuart 10H engine castings
Clarkson Beam engine
Stuart 10V engine castings
Stuart No.4 castings with reversing gear
Kennions mill engine castings
3 1/2 inch gauge "Rob Roy" castings
Stuart No.8 castings
Reeves "Popular" single cylinder double acting oscillating engine
Reeves "Master" twin cylinder double acting oscillating engine
Unit Steam engine No.2 kit
Unit Steam engine No.2 kit
Maxwell Hemmens vertical engine with reversing gear
Maxwell Hemmens marine engine
1 inch scale traction engine parts
3 1/2 inch gauge driving wheel castings
2 1/2 inch gauge Bagnall "Polar Bear" frames, castings, boiler material
Castings for 5 inch gauge GWR 0-6-0PT
Part-built 5 inch gauge "Britannia"
Stuart hand pump castings
5 inch gauge "Maid of Kent" castings & flanged boiler plates
5 inch gauge BR Standard Class 2 castings & boiler
Quantity wheel castings
Quantity wheel castings