The Archive (8725 items)

Parts & castings

Burrell steam tractor castings
Parts for 2 inch scale Burrell "Thetford Town" Showmans engine
Stuart pump castings
5 inch gauge "Pansy" castings, articles & drawings
Quantity machined castings for 3 1/2 inch gauge Stanier 2-6-4T
Stuart hand force pump castings
Pair 5 inch gauge Single driving wheel castings
Stuart Double Ten reversing gear castings
Part-built Stuart Triple Expansion engine
5 inch gauge "Maid of Kent" castings
Westbury Diagonal Paddle engine castings
Hick 1851 oscillating engine castings & drawings
Stuart steam hammer castings & drawings
3 1/2 inch gauge "Tich" frames, castings & boiler kit
2 inch scale Clayton steam wagon chassis
5 inch gauge Class 08 kit
Westbury Unicorn castings & drawings
7 1/4 inch gauge "Tich" frames and castings
5 inch gauge LNER B1 parts & castings
5 inch gauge Tich frames & castings
7 1/4 inch gauge LMS "Duchess" frames & castings
Part-built 7 1/4 inch gauge Hudswell Clarke
Stuart Turner No.1 castings
3/4 inch scale Michael Holden portable engine