The Archive (8737 items)

Parts & castings

3 1/4 inch diameter driving wheel castings
Twin ram axle pump and straps
6 driving wheel castings
6 driving wheel castings
6 machined driving wheels
Maid of Kent castings, flanged boiler kit
Set eccentric straps
Allchin boiler and part set castings
Boiler and castings for Minnie
7 1/4 inch gauge "Locomotion" boiler & castings
"Canterbury Lamb" castings and other miscellaneous
2 inch Clayton lorry pair wheel castings
3 1/2 inch gauge Clarkson B2 castings
Pair Marshall 7nhp traction engines, part-built boilers and parts
1 1/2 inch scale Allchin parts
5 inch gauge GWR King castings
Set Sweet Pea cylinders
Parts for 1 inch scale "Minnie"
Parts for 3 1/2 inch gauge "Mountaineer"
4 inch scale Burrell DCC boiler & parts
3 1/2 inch gauge "Petrolea" parts
Stuart Swan castings
Stuart 5A castings
Set six 5 inch gauge tender wheels