The Archive (8328 items)

Parts & castings

5 inch gauge BR Standard Class 2 castings & boiler
Quantity wheel castings
Quantity wheel castings
3 1/2 inch gauge "Rob Roy" castings
Set of wheels for 3 inch scale Foster traction engine
5 inch gauge AME "Saturn 4" body
7 1/4 inch gauge 14XX chassis and wheel castings
5 inch gauge part-built "Simplex" frames & castings
5 inch gauge part-built "Simplex" chassis & castings
Part-set 5 inch gauge LMS Duchess kits
Part-set 5 inch gauge LMS Duchess kits
Four wheel castings, gunmetal cylinder set
2 inch scale Clayton steam wagon, chassis & castings
Rider-Ericsson hot air pumping engine castings
Stuart triple expansion engine castings
Quorn tool & cutter grinder castings
Part-built Stuart No.9 horizontal mill engine
Part-built Stuart 10H horizontal engine
Clarkson beam engine castings
Parts for 3 1/2 inch gauge slip eccentric 0-4-0
3 1/2 inch gauge "Hielan Lassie" frames, wheels, cylinders
2 1/2 inch gauge Pacific with tender
3 inch scale Marshall agricultural engine castings and commercial boiler
5 inch narrow gauge "Edward Thomas" castings