Sold June 2009 Back to Archive

Part-built 5 inch gauge GWR "Manor" - stock code 3777

A well-advanced 5 inch gauge GWR 4-6-0 to Martin Evans’ “Torquay Manor” design. Work to date comprises a complete tender and locomotive chassis, cab, smokebox assembly and some boiler parts.

The chassis is largely good, although stiff to turn – it feels tight rather than binding up, but really wants stripping to find out what needs easing.

The boiler comprises a rolled barrel with coppersmith’s joint, firebox outer wrapper and inner firebox with tubes silver-soldered in. Soldering to the tubes looks good, the boiler seam is not nice, with what looks like insufficient general heat and too much local heat producing a mixture of boiled solder on the outside and unmelted strips on the inside. It could certainly be redone to a satisfactory standard, alternatively you made decide that a professionally-made boiler is an investment easily recouped in the value of the finished engine.

Complete with a complete set of bound construction articles from "Model Engineer".

Locomotive 39 inches
Tender 26 inches

gauge 5 inch