Sold September 2011 Back to Archive

Part-built 2 inch sale Burrell agricultural engine - stock code 5140

Er, I have had one of these in before (alright, it was this one). A gentleman bought this one, has spent an energetic two weeks cleaning it before deciding that his future lies in something more four inch scale. So back again, only with rather less on the cleaning front required.

I’ve never had one of these in before (indeed thought they existed only in advertisements until this one turned up). A kit-built 2 inch scale Burrell agricultural engine, in truly horrendous condition. Work to date comprises a silver-soldered CE-marked boiler complete with some fittings, hornplates, crank, cylinder, motionwork and much fitted. Despite the alarming appearance (frustrated with the kit, the builder ended up lobbing it out in the back garden, the remainder of the parts going down the tip), it turns over freely.

A basic “stationary” engine could be got running for little extra expenditure other than fabricating a smokebox. Main work to complete would be gears and wheels – possibly available as commercially-made parts, given that the model is still listed, alternatively they could be scratch-built for a modest outlay in material.

Length (currently) 30 inches
Flywheel 9 1/4 inch diameter

scale 2 inch