I last sold
this engine in 2004, it came at that time from a friend who was moving up a size
(about eight hundredweight in locomotive and four acres in premises) - there
are pictures and a write up in the archive. Since then it’s been at a
local club, it came back recently in exchange for the Isle of Man Railways
“Caledonia” I sold recently.
soldered boiler fed by injector and crosshead pump. Outside cylinders with slide
valves actuated by Hackworth valve gear, mechanical lubricator. Spring-loaded
drain cocks.
It still
looks much the same as it did six years ago, still needs a repaint, doesn’t
appear to have done a great deal more work in the intervening years. Our
inspector has just done hydraulic and steam tests on it, the engine is ready to
go to work again.
Steam test
gauge | 7 1/4 inch |