A 5 inch gauge Stirling 8 foot single, the original that supremely elegant machine that looked wonderful from all angles. I might be a bit biased, I've lived with a 7 1/4 inch gauge one in a glass case next to my desk at home for years which I think is the best-looking engine ever.
This one was built by a prolific engineer. He'd made a 3 1/2 inch gauge "Rob Roy" first, and built clocks as well as locomotives - we've got three of his Congreve clocks in at the moment. He appears to have moved onto the next project whenever his current one was nearly - but not quite - complete. In the case of the Stirling there's no evidence that it's been run, no fire cement sealing the bottom of the smokebox (nor, indeed, was there in his "Rob Roy"). Standard of machining and platework is good, paintwork not bad, however boiler making not his strong point (we always get suspicious when there's gloss paint of any colour on a backhead - but green?)
gauge | 5 inch |