An early stage 5 inch gauge Great Western 15xx to LBSC's "Speedy" design, comprising a rolling chassis with cast iron horns and split gunmetal axleboxes, wheels turned and fitted to axles – the flanges have been left square and could, for aesthetic if not functional reasons, be radiused on their edges. There pump is fitted complete with eccentric sheave, strap and rod, there is a sheave and strap fitted to the leading axle to drive a lubricator.
There is a pair of nicely made cylinder assemblies, complete with pistons, valves, rods and glands. Cladding has been done in Zintec, never the happiest choice of material for something later to be painted – it will either need etch priming or replacing with something more sensible like thin brass.
There is a silver soldered copper boiler by Prestige Engineering, it comes with their certificate for 180psi hydraulic test.
Several of the firebox stays have been left long on the outside and will need judicious filing down for the boiler to slide into the frames – it's always a tight fit in this design (same with his "Maid of Kent") and can require the top corner of the rear horns relieving to provide clearance.
There is a complete set of as-new drawings (including Harris' valve gear revisions) and a copy of LBSC's "words and music" for the build.
gauge | 5 inch |