Sold April 2002 Back to Archive

5 inch gauge part dismantled Black 5 - stock code 1652

A well-engineered Black 5 4-6-0, rolling chassis with all motion work, twin axle pumps, cab operated drain cocks, front and rear firebox dampers operated from the footplate, Walshaerts valve gear operating piston valves with screw reversing, compensated brake gear. The chassis turns over easily without tight spots or significant wear, the motion work is very nicely made.


Copper superheated boiler with brass cladding, some surface corrosion which removed with Scotchbrite. All backhead fittings removed, smokebox door missing. There is light rusting to the steel work but no pitting - it cleans easily.

The locomotive requires a front bogie, platework and cab to complete.

Well-detailed tender with working leaf springs, injector and axle pump water feeds. Missing rear buffers.

This is a particularly well-made locomotive which would rebuild into a fine model.

Overall length
Locomotive 41 inches
Tender 26 inches

gauge 5 inch