A 5 inch gauge 4-4-0 built to LBSC's "Maid of Kent" design. These are usually either tricked up as Wainwright L1s or Midland Compounds - the latter in this case.
An older model made to a fairly basic standard, although it runs well (though, typically for a 4-4-0, rather light-footed). I've had several MoKs: with their large, seven inch diameter driving wheels they have a rather stately exhaust beat which is very appealing (indeed it's the reason I bought my own Maid of Kent after hearing one running at the Romney club track!).
Copper silver-soldered boiler with superheater. Feed by injector, axle pump and hand pump in tender. Twin outside cylinders with inside valves, actuated by Stephensons' valve gear with pole reverser in cab. Hand-operated separate drain cocks, mechanical lubricator behind buffer beam.
The engine goes well, the tiny solid brass handwheels for the cab fittings get bl***y hot and the whistle valve leaks (so I was nearly deaf by the end of the afternoon). The paintwork is reasonable (if a slightly odd shade - for some reason it reminds me of some stuff we used to get for school dinners) with the lettering and lining all hand painted. For some utterly unfathomable reason, the builder never painted the main frames.
Length 60 inches overall
Weight approx 130 pounds
gauge | 5 inch |