Sold March 2005 Back to Archive

5 inch gauge LMS 0-6-0 3F build - stock code 2415

Unsurprisingly, given the fastidious nature of the builder, a complete photographic construction log was kept. As well as showing the beautiful workmanship right the way through this engine, the photographs also record the hours logged on the build - an interesting insight into the time and commitment needed to build a really nice engine (basically 2100 hours packed into two years - he obviously got more time away from the children than I do!).

These are a just a few of the pictures - the comments below are from the builders own notes on the back of the photographs. There are many more photographs recording all parts of the build.

  1. Jan - start of build
  2. 414 hours - weight 26lbs 5 ozs (27th May)
  3. 800 hours (10th Sep)
  4. 1148 hours (Jan - 1 year into build)
  5. 1204 hours (28th Feb)
  6. 1614 hours, prior to final assembly (2nd July)
  7. 1820 hours (5th Sep)
  8. 1820 hours - rolling chassis complete
  9. 2000 hours - weight 75 lbs 14 ozs (7th Nov)


gauge 5