I first saw this engine nearly ten years ago when it was only five years old - the work of a talented retired engineer. I bought it, his single crank roller and Foden wagon on the same day - my friend Bob (who owned a ten ton Aveling at the time) and I collected them one sunny afternoon.
The engine has been in and out couple of times in the years since, usually being part-exhanged against something bigger, smaller or on rails - the quality has always shone through, it's always run well and been a particularly nice Burrell to drive.
This time round, it's turned up again as a part-exchange in reduced circumstances - very grubby, one ashpan pin missing, injector doesn't work, pump barely does, all glands leaking copiously... Do you remember that bit in "Black Beauty" where the horse is sold to the villain Skinner who runs a low-end hackney cab business and thrashes his horses?
Steel boiler by Franklin & Bell fed by crank-driven mechanical pump and injector, 100psi working pressure. Single cylinder with slide valve, mechanical lubricator, Stephenson's valve gear with pole reverser on the footplate. Two speed with differential and winch behind nearside rear wheel, wheels are rubber-tyred.
Despite its privations, the engine still goes well - I ran it this morning and took it down the road, safety valves feathering. It needs work to bring it back to the state it deserves - to see what the engine should look like there are pictures in the archive of it in 2009 when it was last here.
There's a clip of it running in the yard this morning here - I'm on my own today so no "action shots" of anybody driving I'm afraid, just the engine ticking over outside the workshop.
Hydraulic test @150psi, 24-Mar-2011
scale | 4 inch |