Sold July 2004 Back to Archive

3 1/2 inch gauge Jubilee 2-6-4 tank - stock code 2167

LMS 2-6-4 tank locomotive, designed by William Stanier - 206 engines were built by the LMS between 1935 and 1943, the last of them wasn't withdrawn until 1967, although none survived into preservation. Derby Works built the majority, with one batch coming from the North British Locomotive Works.

Martin Evans' "Jubilee" design is a well-regarded, authentic rendition of Stanier's design for 3 1/2 inch gauge. It is a large engine for the gauge, free-steaming and quick on the track - in many ways an ideal club engine for those who don't want the weight or expense of a 5 inch gauge engine.

Professionally-built silver-soldered copper boiler by Alec Farmer, fed by injector and twin axle pumps with auxiliary hand pump in side tank. Top feeds to boiler as per prototype. Piston valve cylinders with Walschaerts valve gear, mechanical lubricator behind front buffer beam. The engine has been well-built and is in good mechanical order. It comes with a set of firing irons and a rather nice little wooden-handled scale shovel.

Length 30 inches
Weight approx 80 pounds

gauge 3 1/2 inch