Sold June 2024 Back to Archive

3 1/2 inch gauge Junagadh State Railway 4-6-0 - stock code 9066

This has recently arrived back with us, having been on the bench of a young hobbyist for a few months - other than a missing dome, it remains in much the same condition now as when last listed.

A 3 1/2 inch gauge 4-6-0 tender locomotive, one of a class built for the metre gauge Junagadh State Railway in the 1930s.

The work of a prolific model engineer, it was exhibited at the Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition some years ago - the last picture opposite shows it there, in well-advanced state.

Since then it has lain dismantled in the builder's workshop. Well on, now in his ninth decade, with building an experimental 2-8-0 BR Standard Class "might have been" his mind is fixed firmly on future projects rather than revisiting previous builds - completion of this one will be down to the next owner.

length/inches 31 + 20
width/inches 8 1/2
height/inches 12
wheel material cast iron
valve type slide
boiler maker N Booth
boiler type locomotive
boiler material copper
boiler construction silver-soldered