The Archive (8669 items)


1933 Brough Superior SS80
5 inch gauge GWR Autocoach
Axminster Power Tools bandsaw
Churchill Cub lathe
7 1/4 inch gauge hydraulic work platform
5 inch gauge ground level driving truck
Three 7 1/4 inch gauge Aristocraft coaches
Atlas lathe with faceplate & steady
Sears Roebuck Craftsman 8 inch 4 jaw chuck, unused
Myford M type lathe
SIP welder
5 inch gauge braked bogies driving truck
Lot 3- Steam & Railway videos
Lot 4-Steam & Railway videos
Lot 8-Trams, Trolleys, Cab lines and Trains. Videos
Lot 12-London underground & Transport
Lot 13-Commercial vehicle videos
Lot 14-Aircraft videos
5 lengths 7 1/4 inch gauge track
19 three foot length 2 inch gauge track
5 inch gauge unbraked driving truck
Myford vertical slide, cross slide, faceplate
Colchester Chipmaster lathe